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New to Blogging

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Hi. :) I'm Loretta. I pretty new to blogging so please bear with me. I am starting this blog to meet other like-minded conservative religious women. I am a single daughter living at home with my family. I know that to our modern world, I am an anomaly because I have chosen with God's guidance and my family's support to live at home with my family instead of pursuing my own separate lifestyle.

Unfortunately, I did not always have this mindset. I grew up in a Christian family but I went to public schools, to college, and moved out to live on my own. When I left college, I was a lukewarm Christian in name only and quickly drifted into atheism. Despite my parents' efforts, the secular world had a strong grip on me. The world eventually brought me to my knees and God lifted me up. By God's grace, I became a Christian. When I decided to put my life in God's hands, He put me on a path far different from the life I had planned. He sent me back home to help my family. To my amazement, I LOVE being a stay at home daughter.

I have learned to enjoy my singleness and the opportunities I have to help my family. I know that my views will receive some criticism and I do welcome polite discussion. Welcome to my blog!


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